Quite the Flash to look forward to!
Andrea364, you got your tablet yesterday and you are already pumping out great work! I'm truly impressed that a person your age can animate like this. To Newgrounds you will be a child prodigy if you keep striving towards the goal you are now. If this is what you can do on a tablet, I'm going to be amazed what you can do with a pencil on a piece of paper.
-The Good-
Since this is just a preview, I will say from what I saw that your series is looking to be sinister. The drawn characters are spectacular, and with the lines cleaned up a bit and fully colored, I'd say at age 14-15 you could have a Flash in the Top 50 of all time.
-The Bad-
This really should go in the Alpha section of Newgrounds, but then people wouldn't be exposed to your obvious talent. Clean up the lines and color up your final product and I will be sure to watch anything you release.
You are a talented artist, and this Flash was your first tablet product, and it was great! Keep striving and you will be a force to reckon with in the Flash community!
- PossiblePancakes